Saturday, March 13, 2010
Falling Samaras
I've been watching two trees that hold their fruits all winter - the ash (Fraxinus) and boxelder (Acer negundo).
Their fruits are similar - both are "winged achenes" known as "samaras," distinguished by flattened wings of paper-like tissue that develops from the wall of the ovary.
Botanists describe these fruits as "simple" (the ripened ovary of a flower with a single pistil), "dry" (not fleshy like an apple) and "indehiscent" (they don't open to expel seeds - like a milkweed pod)
When I was a kid we called them helicopters and whirlybirds. Their winged design helps the wind fly them away from the parent trees.
When do these trees "let go" and drop their seeds?
I could look it up, but it's more fun to wait and see. I've been waiting and I've been watching all winter.
The dropping of the samaras started last week...
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